apply for a scholarship

During this unprecedented time, there is a huge surge in demand for products purchased directly from farmers and ranchers - and we strongly believe this will continue as people reshape their relationships with their food sources.

We are offering partial scholarships for the complete Small Business from Scratch course and Beginning Business Boot Camp for anyone with a business in the agricultural arena hoping to sell and/or ship their products directly to consumers or to grow and expand their current business and customer base.

Partial scholarships will be awarded based on need and circumstances. We are not offering full scholarships at this time - to be fair to those already enrolled in the course but also because this course is very much a “you get out of it what you put into it” and we believe those who have some investment to commit to the course material and community will benefit more in the long run.

Please click the “Apply for a Scholarship” button below to fill out the scholarship questionnaire to be considered. Applications will be taken on a rolling basis and you should expect a response within 3-14 days. Deadline for scholarship applications is May 31, 2020. Questions email us at